After more than 40 years the truth has been hidden because death Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, was unveiled. The famous Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leonov revealed the truth about the events that took place on that tragic day.
Alexei Leonov, cosmonaut who performed the first space walk on March 18, 1965, fought in the last 20 years to get permission to reveal what really happened with Yuri Gagarin in March 1968.
Then, the State Commission which investigated the accident (which was part and Leonov) concluded that the crew of the aircraft MiG-15UTI, Yuri Gagarin and Vladimir Sereghin copilot, tried to avoid a foreign object (a goose or a balloon) by performing a maneuver that caused the plane to go into a spin and collide with the ground. Both drivers died in the accident.
"This conclusion is credible for a civilian, but not for a professional," said Leonov. Cosmonaut says he always advocated against conceal the real cause of Gagarin's death, even his family wanting to know the truth. "
"Actually, the truth is different," said Leonov.
According to a recently declassified report, the tragic accident has been involved in an aircraft - a fighter SU-15 unauthorized, which flew very close to Gagarin's aircraft.
On that tragic day, Leonov be responsible for conducting parachute training. The weather was extremely bad, rain, wind and snow making it impossible workouts. Leonov expect to receive confirmation from his superiors that the training will be canceled when he heard a supersonic, followed one second away from an explosion. At that time, cosmonaut and realized that something serious has happened.
"I knew a Su-15 was scheduled for testing during that day, but he had to fly at an altitude of 10,000 feet or more, not 450-500 yards. It was a violation of flight procedure, "said Leonov.
Leonov spoke with several witnesses that day that showed a model of the Su-15 aircraft, saying that such aircraft appeared from the clouds to the rear of the smoking and burning.
"While burning, the plane passed close to Gagarin, turning the plane and sending it into a spin, ie a spiral at a speed of 750 km / h," explains Leonov.
According to the report written by Sereghin before the tragic accident, the flight test would not be performed aerobatic maneuvers, just simple maneuvers. After they were done, Yuri Gagarin sent to basic message "code name 645, the tasks were completed, down".
"That was the last message I heard from him. Checkpoint noted that at that time was at an altitude of 4,200 meters. 55 seconds later, the aircraft has crashed, "he said Leonov.
Then, Leonov was ordered to return to Chkalovsky airfield, where he received the news that Gagarin's aircraft would have to remain out of fuel 45 minutes ago. The Leonov's worst suspicions were confirmed when they received news that was found near the village Novoselovo an aircraft crash.
"We sent a team out there that has identified the remains of the aircraft and Sereghin. They found the remains of Gagarin, except for bags and cartons of paper. So initially we thought it managed to catapult. I sent a battalion of soldiers who inspected the forest throughout the night. They yelled for him, but found only the remnants of a balloon. Only next day I found the remains of Yuri Gagarin. I identified as a black mole on the neck that I had seen three days before. Authorities have formed a commission to investigate the accident, and among those invited to take part, I counted and I, along with Gherman Titov, "he told Leonov.
When Leonov finally got to see the official report persimisiunea cosmonaut identified several inconsistencies. A big problem even constitute the report of Leonov: it bore his name, but the writing did not belong, and acts described were not true.
"I saw that it was written that the distance between the two sounds was 15-20 seconds, not 1-2 seconds, as relatively well," Leonov.
Using computers, a new investigation was able to understand what the exact cause of Gagarin made the aircraft to crash with a very high speed. To see what caused the death of Gagarin, investigators entered the computer during the fall, 55 seconds, and the speed of 750 km / h with the aircraft move.
"We used a computer to identify the trajectory of explaining this interval of 55 seconds. The result was a deep spiral. A MiG-15UTI can intra in a such spiral if an aircraft largest and most heavy passing too close to him and-l returns. Exactly this is the cause of the death of Gagarin. Identified is the only path that fits with the other parameters known, "said Leonov.
"I think one of the reasons why the authorities decided to hide the truth is because they did not want to admit that such an error could occur so close to Moscow," Leonov said.
The official report states that "General Zapolskiy" spoke to pilot aircraft Su-15, after the discussion it became clear that he was guilty of the circumstances that led to the accident.
However, the pilot's name responsible for Gagarin's death remains unknown. Anonymity was a condition that Leonov had to meet in order to be granted permission to reveal the true cause of death.
All that is known is that the pilot has now 80 years old and is in a state of poor health.
"I was asked not to reveal the name. It was a very good fighter pilot and will not solve anything if I say the name, "said Leonov.
Nikolay Stroev, Deputy Director of the Military-Industrial Commission of the USSR, said the accident was not caused intentionally by the pilot, who has not seen the other aircraft in the clouds while traveling at supersonic speed.
Mystery death of Yury Gagarin led over time to the development of several conspiracy theories among the public counting hypothesis postulates that suicide is even a collision with a UFO.
Misterul decesului lui Iuri Gagarin a dus, de-a lungul timpului, la elaborarea mai multor teorii ale conspiraţiei, printre ipotezele postulate de public numărându-se cea a sinuciderii şi chiar a unei coliziuni cu un OZN.
"The only regret is that it took so long for the truth to come out. But now we can be reconciled, "said Valentina Tereşcova, the first woman in space. For Tereşcova, Gagarin's death was not only a tragedy but also an event that has ended his career. Soviet authorities did not have allowed it to fly, because the risk of losing a second cosmonaut would have devastating consequences for public image.
"I have been banned from flying ever, we were not allowed even to fly planes. The repercussions of the death of an astronaut were so great that they wanted to be sure that something will not happen to me, "said Tereşcova.
"I still miss him. It was a loss not only for astronauts, but for the whole community, "he said, crying, Tereşcova.

Early life and education
Yuri Gagarin was born in the village of Klushino, near Gzhatsk (renamed Gagarin in 1968 after his death), on 9 March 1934.His parents worked on a collective farm[2]: Alexey Ivanovich Gagarin as a carpenter and bricklayer, and Anna Timofeyevna Gagarina as a milkmaid. Yuri was the third of four children: older brother Valentin, older sister Zoya, and younger brother Boris.Like millions of people in the Soviet Union, the Gagarin family suffered during Nazi occupation in World War II. Klushino was occupied in November 1941 during the German advance on Moscow, and an officer took over the Gagarin residence. The family was allowed to build a mud hut, approximately 3 by 3 metres (10 by 10 ft) inside, on the land behind their house, where they spent a year and nine months until the end of the occupation. His two older siblings were deported by the Germans to Poland for slave labour in 1943, and did not return until after the war in 1945.In 1946, the family moved to Gzhatsk, where Gagarin continued his secondary education.
At the age of 16 in 1950, Gagarin entered into an apprenticeship as a foundryman at the Lyubertsy Steel Plant near Moscow,and also enrolled at a local "young workers" school for seventh grade evening classes.After graduating in 1951 from both the seventh grade and the vocational school (with honours in moldmaking and foundry-work),he was selected for further training at the Saratov Industrial Technical School, where he studied tractors.[While in Saratov, Gagarin volunteered for weekend training as a Soviet air cadet at a local aeronautics club, where he learned to fly — at first in a biplane and later a Yak-18 trainer.He also earned extra money as a part-time dock laborour on the Volga River.
Career in the Soviet Air Force
After graduating from the technical school in 1955, the Soviet Army drafted Gagarin.On a recommendation, Gagarin was sent to the First Chkalov Air Force Pilot's School in Orenburg, and soloed in a MiG-15 in 1957.While there he met Valentina Ivanovna Goryacheva,a medical technician graduate of the Orenburg Medical School.They were married on 7 November 1957, the same day Gagarin graduated from Orenburg.Post-graduation, he was assigned to the Luostari airbase in Murmansk Oblast, close to the Norwegian border, where terrible weather made flying risky. He became a Lieutenant in the Soviet Air Forces on 5 November 1957; on 6 November 1959 he received the rank of Senior Lieutenant.
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